Three Really Distracting Things You Can Find on the Internet.

Ever needed a distraction to get you out of your head? Yeah, us too. Because sometimes our brain isn’t always our friend. Sometimes it gets stuck on certain thoughts, leaving us feeling overwhelmed, anxious, sad or ashamed. In times like these, we need to deploy our get-out-of-jail strategies to catch ourselves and bring us back to the present moment. And good old distraction is one of the best strategies for this purpose. Yes, I know it seems overly simplistic, and yes it’s very basic, BUT is does help things from getting worse. Which at least, is the first step towards things getting better. 

Over the years we’ve collected a pretty good list of options for distraction.  But there is no point us having our list tucked away in a folder on our computer when we could share it with you guys! So today we thought we’d list a few. Here’s three great distracting things you can find for free on the internet. Happy distracting!

  1. Although originally designed to help with self-harm, we find this app a great one for distractions from all sorts of big feelings. We often recommend it to our clients, for use when your thoughts are a little overwhelming. 

  2. To learn more about your wonderful and powerful brain, the All In The Mind podcast by ABC is an absolute winner. Probably good for 16yrs+

  3. Obviously Smiling Mind. It's a great introduction to mindfulness (a concept we LOVE here at Wattle Tree). Along the same lines is the headspace app, which is more practical and thorough, but downside is it costs money.

Until next time,



Our Relationship with Mental Health & How We Might Improve It


Autism in Adolescent Girls – A hidden pattern as observed by a psychologist.